Avslutade auktioner liknande nasa apollo 8

Apollo 12 Apollo 12 astronaut pictured during the Apollo 12 extravehicular activity. Dated 19-20 November 1969. Vintage NASA print.

Apollo 12: Apollo 12 astronaut pictured during the...

Famous photograph of an Apollo 12 astronaut pictured with a container of lunar soil collected during the Apollo 12 extravehicular activity. Dated 19-20 November 1969. Läs mer...

  • 2014-05-20
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 4 600 DKK
Fotografi, NASA-fotografi från månlandningen av Apollo 12. Signerad Alan Bean

Fotografi, NASA-fotografi från månlandningen av ...

NASA-fotografi från månlandningen av Apollo 12. Signerad Alan Bean, Boy, the sun is bright out here!. Bildmått: 20x20 cm, yttermått inklusive ram: 41x31 cm. Läs mer...

  • 2022-11-28
  • Metropol
  • 4 400 SEK
Exploring the moon 4 photographs of astronauts exploring the surface of the moon on the Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 missions. Not dated. Periode NASA prints.

Exploring the moon: 4 photographs of astronauts ex...

4 photographs of astronauts exploring the surface of the moon on the Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 missions. Not dated. C. 18,4 x 17,9 cm. Läs mer...

  • 2014-05-20
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 4 200 DKK
DK, Canada og USA. Mønter og sedler.

DK, Canada og USA. Mønter og sedler.

DK, Canada og USA, mønter og sedler. DK: 2 stk. 20 kr. 2010 i kvalitet Proof Kajak/Konebåd - oplag 1877 stk. i originale æsker. Sedler: Läs mer...

  • 2016-09-18
  • Lauritz
  • 3 200 DKK
NASA photographs More than 40 photographs incl. astronaut Virgil Gus Grissoms suit rehearsal and more. 17-22 June 1961. Vintage NASA prints.

NASA photographs: More than 40 photographs incl. a...

More than 40 photographs from NASA and the US Airforce incl. a sequence of 10 photographs of astronaut Virgil 'Gus' Grissom trying on his space Läs mer...

  • 2014-09-30
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 2 700 DKK
Apollo 8 Apollo 8 view of Saturn V in the third stage. Dated 29 December 1968. Vintage NASA print.

Apollo 8: Apollo 8 view of Saturn V in the third s...

Apollo 8 view of Saturn V in the third stage. Dated 29 December 1968. 19,8 x 20,1 cm (19,5 x 23,1 cm). Vintage gelatine silver Läs mer...

  • 2014-05-20
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 2 100 DKK
Signed by General John Stafford  OMEGA

Signed by General John Stafford / OMEGA

Anton Kreuzer: Omega-Uhren. Kaleidoskop einer bekannten Schweizer Marke. Klagenfurt, Universitätsverlag Carinthia, 1990. 4to. Publisher’s cloth, pictorial dustjacket (near fine). Rectangular blue exlibris stamp of ”B Läs mer...

  • 2023-06-25
  • Bukowskis
  • 2 000 SEK
Rymdparti, 8 publicerade färgfotografier från NASA, 160-70-tal, 25,5 x 20,5, Apollo 8-9, 11-12, 15-17, ASTP.

Rymdparti, 8 publicerade färgfotografier från NA...

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  • 2011-05-22
  • Auktionshuset Kolonn
  • 1 900 SEK
Signed by General John Stafford  OMEGA

Signed by General John Stafford / OMEGA

Anton Kreuzer: Omega-Uhren. Kaleidoskop einer bekannten Schweizer Marke. Klagenfurt, Universitätsverlag Carinthia, 1990. 4to. Publisher’s cloth, pictorial dustjacket (near fine). Rectangular blue exlibris stamp of ”B Läs mer...

  • 2023-06-25
  • Bukowskis
  • 1 800 SEK
Signed by General John Stafford  OMEGA

Signed by General John Stafford / OMEGA

Anton Kreuzer: Omega-Uhren. Kaleidoskop einer bekannten Schweizer Marke. Klagenfurt, Universitätsverlag Carinthia, 1990. 4to. Publisher’s cloth, pictorial dustjacket (near fine). Rectangular blue exlibris stamp of ”B Läs mer...

  • 2023-07-18
  • Bukowskis
  • 1 800 SEK
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